Source code for PvMail.uic_gui

#!/usr/bin/env python

pvMail: just the GUI

Run the Graphical User Interface for PvMail using PyQt4 from a .ui file with the uic subpackage. 

Copyright (c) 2014-2017, UChicago Argonne, LLC.  See LICENSE file.

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic
pyqtSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal

import datetime
import os
import sys
from bcdaqwidgets import bcdaqwidgets

import utils
import cli
import ini_config
import __init__

RESOURCE_PATH = 'resources'
MAIN_UI_FILE = utils.get_pkg_file_path(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'gui.ui'))
ABOUT_UI_FILE = utils.get_pkg_file_path(os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, 'about.ui'))
COLOR_ON = 'lightgreen'
COLOR_OFF = 'lightred'

[docs]class PvMailSignalDef(QtCore.QObject): '''Define the signals used to communicate between the threads.''' #newFgColor = pyqtSignal(object) #newBgColor = pyqtSignal(object) EPICS_monitor = pyqtSignal(object)
[docs]class PvMail_GUI(object): ''' GUI used for pvMail, based on PyQt4 ''' def __init__(self, ui_file=None, logger=None, logfile=None, config=None, *args, **kw): '''make this class callable from pvMail application''' self.ui = uic.loadUi(utils.get_pkg_file_path(ui_file or MAIN_UI_FILE)) # PySide way: # self.ui.history.clear() self.logger = logger self.logfile = logfile self.config = config or ini_config.Config() self.setStatus('starting') self.email_address_model = EmailListModel([], self.ui) self.pvmail = None self.watching = False # menu item handlers self.ui.actionSend_test_email.triggered.connect(self.doSendTestMessage) self.ui.actionE_xit.triggered.connect(self.doClose) self.ui.actionAbout_pvMail.triggered.connect(self.doAbout) # button handlers self.ui.w_btn_run.clicked.connect(self.doRun) self.ui.w_btn_stop.clicked.connect(self.doStop) # the list of email recipients self.ui.emails.setModel(self.email_address_model) # adjust dynamic labels self.ui.config_file_name.setText(config.ini_file) self.ui.log_file_name.setText(str(logfile)) self.ui.w_running_stopped.setText('stopped') self.ui.l_pv_trigger = QtGui.QLabel('trigger') self.ui.pv_trigger = bcdaqwidgets.BcdaQLabel() self.ui.pv_trigger.setToolTip('PV not connected, no text available') self.ui.formLayout.addRow(self.ui.l_pv_trigger, self.ui.pv_trigger) self.triggerSignal = PvMailSignalDef() self.triggerSignal.EPICS_monitor.connect(self.onTrigger_gui_thread) self.ui.l_pv_message = QtGui.QLabel('message') self.ui.pv_message = bcdaqwidgets.BcdaQLineEdit() self.ui.pv_message.setToolTip('PV not connected, no text available') self.ui.pv_message.setReadOnly(True) self.ui.formLayout.addRow(self.ui.l_pv_message, self.ui.pv_message) self.messageSignal = PvMailSignalDef() self.messageSignal.EPICS_monitor.connect(self.onMessage_gui_thread) self.setStatus('ready')
[docs] def show(self):
[docs] def doAbout(self, *args, **kw): # TODO: add a check for a new version #5 # based on a comparison with the PyPI version: # # # Comparing with the VERSION file will show the development trunk # which is not always the production release version. # # about = uic.loadUi(utils.get_pkg_file_path(ABOUT_UI_FILE)) about.title.setText(__init__.__project_name__ + ' ' + __init__.__version__) about.description.setText(__init__.__description__) about.authors.setText(', '.join(__init__.__full_author_list__)) about.copyright.setText(__init__.__license__) pb = QtGui.QPushButton(__init__.__url__, clicked=self.doUrl) about.verticalLayout_main.addWidget(pb) # TODO: provide control to show the license # feed the status message msg = 'About: ' msg += __init__.__project_name__ msg += ', v' + __init__.__version__ msg += ', PID=' + str(os.getpid()) self.setStatus(msg) about.exec_()
[docs] def doUrl(self): self.setStatus('opening documentation URL in default browser') service = QtGui.QDesktopServices() url = QtCore.QUrl(__init__.__url__) service.openUrl(url)
[docs] def doClose(self, *args, **kw): self.setStatus('application exit requested') self.ui.close()
[docs] def doRun(self, *args, **kw): self.setStatus('<Run> button pressed') if self.watching: self.setStatus('already watching') else: self.pvmail = cli.PvMail(self.config) # acquire information, validate it first msg_pv = str(self.getMessagePV()) if len(msg_pv) == 0: self.setStatus('must give a message PV name') return trig_pv = str(self.getTriggerPV()) if len(trig_pv) == 0: self.setStatus('must give a trigger PV name') return addresses = self.getEmailList_Stripped() if len(addresses) == 0: self.setStatus('need at least one email address for list of recipients') return # report connection failure and abort for key, pv in dict(message=msg_pv, trigger=trig_pv).items(): tc = self.pvmail.testConnect(pv, timeout=cli.CONNECTION_TEST_TIMEOUT) if tc is False: msg = "could not connect to %s PV: %s" % (key, pv) self.setStatus(msg) self.pvmail = None return self.pvmail.triggerPV = trig_pv self.pvmail.messagePV = msg_pv self.ui.pv_trigger.ca_connect(trig_pv, ca_callback=self.onTrigger_pv_thread) self.ui.pv_trigger.setText('<connecting...>') self.ui.pv_message.ca_connect(msg_pv, ca_callback=self.onMessage_pv_thread) self.ui.pv_message.setText('<connecting...>') self.ui.pv_message.setReadOnly(False) self.pvmail.recipients = addresses self.setStatus('trigger PV: ' + self.pvmail.triggerPV) self.setStatus('message PV: ' + self.pvmail.messagePV) self.setStatus('recipients: ' + ' '.join(addresses)) try: self.pvmail.do_start() except Exception, exc: self.setStatus(str(exc)) return self.ui.w_running_stopped.setText('running') sty = bcdaqwidgets.StyleSheet(self.ui.w_running_stopped) sty.updateStyleSheet({ 'background-color': COLOR_ON, 'qproperty-alignment': 'AlignCenter', }) self.setStatus('CA monitors started') self.watching = True
[docs] def doStop(self, *args, **kw): if not self.watching: self.setStatus('not watching now') else: self.setStatus('<Stop> button pressed') self.pvmail.do_stop() self.ui.w_running_stopped.setText('stopped') sty = bcdaqwidgets.StyleSheet(self.ui.w_running_stopped) sty.updateStyleSheet({ 'background-color': COLOR_DEFAULT, }) obj = self.ui.pv_trigger obj.ca_disconnect() obj.setToolTip('PV not connected, no text available') obj.setText('<not connected>') sty = bcdaqwidgets.StyleSheet(obj) sty.updateStyleSheet({ 'background-color': COLOR_DEFAULT, }) obj = self.ui.pv_message obj.ca_disconnect() obj.setToolTip('PV not connected, no text available') obj.setText('<not connected>') obj.setReadOnly(False) self.setStatus('CA monitors stopped') self.pvmail = None self.watching = False
[docs] def doSendTestMessage(self): import mailer self.setStatus('requested a test email') subject = 'PvMail mailer test message: ' + self.config.mail_transfer_agent message = 'This is a test of the PvMail mailer, v' + __init__.__version__ msg_pv = str(self.getMessagePV()) if self.watching: message += '\n\n' + self.pvmail.message message += '\n\n triggerPV = ' + str(self.getTriggerPV()) message += '\n messagePV = ' + msg_pv message += '\n\n For more help, see: ' + __init__.__url__ recipients = self.getEmailList_Stripped() mailer.send_message(subject, message, recipients, self.config) self.setStatus('sent a test email')
[docs] def appendEmailList(self, email_addr): self.email_address_model.listdata.append(email_addr) self.setStatus('added email: ' + email_addr)
[docs] def getEmailList(self): '''the complete list of email addresses''' return self.email_address_model.listdata
[docs] def getEmailList_Stripped(self): '''the list of email addresses with empty items removed''' return [v for v in self.email_address_model.listdata if len(v)>0]
[docs] def setEmailList(self, email_list): self.email_address_model.reset() for v in email_list: self.appendEmailList(v) # always keep a blank item at end to grow the list self.appendEmailList('')
[docs] def getMessagePV(self): return self.ui.messagePV.text()
[docs] def onMessage_pv_thread(self, value=None, *args, **kw): self.messageSignal.EPICS_monitor.emit(value) # threadsafe update of the widget
[docs] def onMessage_gui_thread(self, value): self.setStatus('message: %s' % str(value) ) if self.ui.pv_message.text() != value: self.ui.pv_message.text_cache = value self.ui.pv_message.SetText()
[docs] def setMessagePV(self, messagePV): self.ui.messagePV.setText(str(messagePV)) self.setStatus('set message PV: ' + messagePV)
[docs] def getTriggerPV(self): return self.ui.triggerPV.text()
[docs] def onTrigger_pv_thread(self, value=None, char_value=None, *args, **kw): self.triggerSignal.EPICS_monitor.emit(value) # threadsafe update of the widget
[docs] def onTrigger_gui_thread(self, value): self.setStatus('trigger: %s' % str(value) ) color = {0:COLOR_DEFAULT, 1:COLOR_ON}[value] self.ui.pv_trigger.SetBackgroundColor(color) if self.ui.pv_trigger.text() != str(value): self.ui.pv_trigger.text_cache = str(value) self.ui.pv_trigger.SetText() if value == 1: # delayed update, wait for sending the email to be logged QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(LOG_REDISPLAY_DELAY_MS, self.logfile_to_history)
[docs] def setTriggerPV(self, triggerPV): self.ui.triggerPV.setText(str(triggerPV)) self.setStatus('set trigger PV: ' + triggerPV)
[docs] def setStatus(self, message): ts = str( self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(str(message)) if hasattr(self.ui, 'history'): if self.logger is None or self.logfile is None: self.ui.history.append(ts + ' ' + message) else: self.logger(message) # update with log file contents self.logfile_to_history() self.ui.history.ensureCursorVisible()
[docs] def logfile_to_history(self): # update history with logfile contents self.ui.history.clear() self.ui.history.append(open(self.logfile, 'r').read())
[docs]class EmailListModel(QtCore.QAbstractListModel): def __init__(self, input_list, parent=None, *args): ''' data model for GUI: supports list of email addresses :param [str] input_list: list of email addresses :param QWidget parent: view widget for this data model ''' # see: super(EmailListModel, self).__init__(parent, *args) self.listdata = input_list # see "Subclassing" on this URL: #
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): return len(self.listdata)
[docs] def data(self, index, role): if index.isValid(): if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: return QtCore.QVariant(self.listdata[index.row()]) elif role == QtCore.Qt.EditRole: return QtCore.QVariant(self.listdata[index.row()]) else: return QtCore.QVariant()
[docs] def setData(self, index, value, role = QtCore.Qt.EditRole): if role == QtCore.Qt.EditRole: row = index.row() self.listdata[row] = str(value.toString()) if row+1 == len(self.listdata): # always keep a blank item at end to grow the list self.listdata.append('') self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return True return False
[docs] def flags(self, index): # # defaultFlags = QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index) # TODO: support undo if index.isValid(): return defaultFlags \ | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable \ | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled \ | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled else: return defaultFlags \ | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled
[docs]def main(triggerPV, messagePV, recipients, logger=None, logfile=None, config=None): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) config = config or ini_config.Config() gui = PvMail_GUI(logger=logger, logfile=logfile, config=config) gui.setStatus('PID: ' + str(os.getpid())) if logfile is not None and os.path.exists(logfile): gui.ui.history.append(open(logfile, 'r').read()) gui.setStatus('log file: ' + logfile) gui.setStatus('email configuration file: ' + config.ini_file) gui.setStatus('email agent: ' + config.mail_transfer_agent) gui.setMessagePV(messagePV) gui.setTriggerPV(triggerPV) gui.setEmailList(recipients) _r = app.exec_() sys.exit(_r)
if __name__ == '__main__': import logging logfile='pvMail_gui.log' logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=logging.INFO) main( 'pvMail:trigger', 'pvMail:message', ['joeuser@company.tld',], logger=cli.logger, logfile=logfile )