Source code for PvMail.mailer

#!/usr/bin/env python

send a message by email to one or more recipients (by SMTP or sendmail)

Copyright (c) 2014-2017, UChicago Argonne, LLC.  See LICENSE file.

import os
import sys


[docs]class MailerError(Exception): pass
[docs]def sendMail_sendmail(subject, message, recipients, sendmail_cfg, sender = None, logger = None): ''' send an email message using sendmail (linux only) :param str subject: short text for email subject :param str message: full text of email body :param [str] recipients: list of email addresses to receive the message :param dict sendmail_cfg: such as returned from :mod:`PvMail.ini_config.Config.get` :user: required - (*str*) username to for sendmail (or similar) program :param str sender: "From" address, if *None* use *smtp_cfg['user']* value :param obj logger: optional message logging method EXAMPLE:: >>> import PvMail.ini_config >>> sendmail_cfg = PvMail.ini_config.Config().get() >>> recipients = ['', ''] >>> subject = 'sendmail test message' >>> message = PvMail.ini_config.__doc__ >>> sendMail_sendmail(subject, message, recipients, sendmail_cfg) ''' if sys.platform not in ('linux2'): raise MailerError('Cannot use this method on sys.platform='+sys.platform) sender = sender or sendmail_cfg['user'] if isinstance(recipients, str): recipients = [recipients,] def _sendmail_handler(email_program, from_addr, recipients, subject, message): to_addr = str(" ".join(recipients)) mail_command = "%s -F %s -t %s" % (email_program, from_addr, to_addr) mail_message = [mail_command,] for who in recipients: mail_message.append("To: " + who) mail_message.append("Subject: " + subject) mail_message.append(message) cmd = '''cat << +++ | %s\n+++''' % "\n".join(mail_message) return mail_command, cmd def _mail_handler(email_program, from_addr, recipients, subject, message): to_addr = str(" ".join(recipients)) mail_command = "%s %s" % (email_program, to_addr) mail_message = '%s\n%s' % (subject, message) # TODO: needs to do THIS ''' cat /tmp/message.txt | mail ''' cmd = '''echo %s | %s''' % (mail_message, mail_command) raise MailerError('code needs improvement here') return mail_command, cmd cmd = None for email_program, handler in ( ('/usr/lib/sendmail', _sendmail_handler), ('/usr/bin/sendmail', _sendmail_handler), ('/usr/bin/mail', _mail_handler), ): if os.path.exists(email_program): results = handler(email_program, sender, recipients, subject, message) mail_command, cmd = results break if cmd is None: raise MailerError('Cannot find mail transport agent for sendmail.') if logger is not None: logger('sending email to: ' + str(recipients) ) logger('email program: ' + email_program ) logger('mail command: ' + mail_command ) logger('email From: ' + sender ) try: if logger is not None: logger( "email command:\n" + cmd ) if os.path.exists(email_program): os.popen(cmd) # send the message else: if logger is not None: logger( 'email program (%s) does not exist' % email_program ) except Exception, err_msg: #err_msg = traceback.format_exc() final_msg = "cmd = %s\ntraceback: %s" % (cmd, err_msg) logger(final_msg) raise MailerError(final_msg) if logger is not None: logger( "sendmail sent" )
[docs]def sendMail_SMTP(subject, message, recipients, smtp_cfg, sender = None, logger = None): ''' send email message through SMTP server :param str subject: short text for email subject :param str message: full text of email body :param [str] recipients: list of email addresses to receive the message :param dict smtp_cfg: such as returned from :mod:`PvMail.ini_config.Config.get` :server: required - (*str*) SMTP server :user: required - (*str*) username to login to SMTP server :port: optional - (*str*) SMTP port :password: optional - (*str*) password for username :connection_security: optional - (*str*) **STARTTLS** (the only choice, if specified) :param str sender: "From" address, if *None* use *smtp_cfg['user']* value EXAMPLE:: >>> import PvMail.ini_config >>> smtp_cfg = PvMail.ini_config.Config().get() >>> recipients = ['', ''] >>> subject = 'SMTP test message' >>> message = PvMail.ini_config.__doc__ >>> sendMail_SMTP(subject, message, recipients, smtp_cfg) ''' import smtplib import email host = smtp_cfg.get('server', None) if host is None: raise MailerError('must define an SMTP host to be used') port = smtp_cfg.get('port', None) username = smtp_cfg.get('user', None) if username is None: raise MailerError('must define a username for the SMTP server') if sender is None: sender = username password = smtp_cfg.get('password', None) connection_security = smtp_cfg.get('connection_security', None) if connection_security not in (None, 'STARTTLS'): msg = 'connection_security must be: STARTTLS or not defined, found: ' raise MailerError(msg + connection_security) msg = email.Message.Message() if isinstance(recipients, str): msg['To'] = recipients else: for who in recipients: msg['To'] = who msg['From'] = sender msg['Subject'] = subject msg.set_payload(message) if logger is not None: logger('sending email to: ' + str(recipients) ) logger('SMTP server: ' + host ) logger('SMTP user: ' + username ) logger('email From: ' + sender ) smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP(timeout=SMTP_TIMEOUT) # smtpserver.set_debuglevel(1) if port is None: _r = smtpserver.connect(host) else: _r = smtpserver.connect(host, int(port)) if logger is not None: logger('SMTP connected') _r = smtpserver.ehlo() if smtp_cfg.get('connection_security', None) == 'STARTTLS': _r = smtpserver.starttls() _r = smtpserver.ehlo() if logger is not None: logger('SMTP STARTTLS') if password is not None: _r = smtpserver.login(username, password) if logger is not None: logger('SMTP authenticated') smtpserver.sendmail(username, recipients, str(msg)) smtpserver.close() if logger is not None: logger('SMTP complete')
[docs]def send_message(subject, message, recipients, config): ''' send an email message :param str subject: short text for email subject :param str message: full text of email body :param [str] recipients: list of email addresses to receive the message :param dict config: such as returned from :mod:`PvMail.ini_config.Config` ''' email_agent_dict = dict(sendmail=sendMail_sendmail, SMTP=sendMail_SMTP) agent = email_agent_dict[config.mail_transfer_agent] agent(subject, message, recipients, config.get())
[docs]def main(): ''' user on-demand test of the mailer module and configuration ''' import argparse import ini_config import __init__ doc = 'test the email sender from PvMail ' + __init__.__version__ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=doc) msg = 'email address(es), whitespace-separated if more than one' parser.add_argument('recipient', action='store', nargs='+', help=msg, default="") results = parser.parse_args() print doc cfg = ini_config.Config() print "Using configuration from: " + cfg.ini_file print "Using user name: " + cfg.get()['user'] recipients = results.recipient print "Sending email(s) to: " + str(" ".join(recipients)) print "mail transfer agent: " + cfg.mail_transfer_agent subject = 'PvMail mailer test message: ' + cfg.mail_transfer_agent message = 'This is a test of the PvMail mailer, v' + __init__.__version__ message += '\nFor more help, see: ' + __init__.__url__ send_message(subject, message, recipients, cfg)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()